Text Hero / Section Headline

Boxed Content

Module Background is Gray (default). Box Width is Thin. Box Background is White (default). Space settings are XS on top, Small on bottom.

Content Editor

Width set to Wide (default).

Space settings are Above (desktop): Medium, Above (mobile): Small, Below (desktop): Large, Below (mobile): Medium.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam augue ex, efficitur nec mauris sed, consequat mollis lorem. Curabitur metus elit, mattis id eleifend id, pharetra quis lectus. Donec ultrices in velit eu ultricies. Donec at porta justo. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Duis a libero at lacus lobortis ultrices consequat vel neque. Curabitur porttitor nunc libero, in fringilla neque blandit eu. Curabitur non scelerisque ligula, vestibulum blandit urna. Ut a tristique diam. Nullam a dolor urna.

Orange Bar. Space settings are Below (desktop): Small, Below (mobile): XS

The module below this is Image Grid with Background: white and Number of Columns: 4

Below is the Market Grid module with Background: Gray (default), Items to Show: 6, Number of Columns: 3, Spacing: Small

Caption here

Checkerboard Rows

Space settings are all Medium.

This module can have a slideshow or just a singular image. Ut libero justo, varius vitae est quis, efficitur viverra eros. Nunc molestie interdum erat eget volutpat. Curabitur cursus massa sed egestas laoreet. Aenean vitae elit vitae orci dapibus auctor.

Slideshow module

captions go here

Space settings are Below (desktop): Large, Below (mobile): Medium

Button Module with Light Gray Background and Small space settings. The Team module is below this with Medium space settings.

Learn More!

Boston Arts Academy

This is the Initiatives Module

Boston Arts Academy (BAA) is the city’s only public high school for the visual and performing arts, serving students who reflect the diversity of Boston’s neighborhoods.

Orange Barrel Media displayed their student artwork on several of our large format signs throughout the city during spring 2022.

For Freedoms: 2020 Awakening

For Freedoms is an artist-led organization that harnesses the power of art to encourage civic engagement, public discourse, and direct action. We have used our media platform to support various For Freedoms initiatives, including our recent participation in their 2020 Awakening campaign. Created to drive greater participation in American democracy and timed to coincide with the November elections, 2020 Awakening featured more than 100 billboards by over 85 artists in all 50 states, Washington D.C., Puerto Rico, Guam, and the U.S. Virgin Islands

Learn More

Photo Credit: Photo credit here

Artist Card Module

Firstname Lastname

Artist Card Module

Artist Card Module with Medium spacing.

The Featured Artists module is below this one with Large spacing.

Suspendisse potenti. Vestibulum varius tellus quis placerat scelerisque. Praesent sed purus sed est porttitor luctus. Vivamus leo ante, bibendum quis ex vel, suscipit pulvinar odio. Nullam est risus, auctor at elit at, pharetra gravida quam.

Watch the Interview

Artists Module

Gallery Cards module is below

Photo Credit: Photo credit goes here

Alex Brewer (HENSE)



Additional Title

Additional Details

Content goes here. Spacing below is large. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris eu finibus enim. Vestibulum vulputate, lorem sit amet tincidunt tincidunt, odio ante gravida diam, sit amet lobortis quam ipsum quis ipsum. Curabitur tincidunt, elit ac elementum tempus, metus purus tristique lectus, sed varius diam lacus non ligula. In molestie ornare urna, a euismod neque.

Ash "Wolfdog" Hayner

Color Connection

“The concept for this piece was both about bringing color and excitement to an otherwise bland landscape, and about bringing people together. Utilizing the cement texture of the bridge as the background allowed for the bright abstract shapes to tease the larger, solid image of color on the opposite side of the bridge. Similarly, people from all walks of life use this space to connect from building to building. My hope with this piece is to provide an uplifting and unexpected meeting place for years to come.” – Ash “WOLFDOG” Hayner